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Den Australske radiokanalen RN har lagd en episode om TISA med gjestene: Jane Kelsey, jussprofessor ved Auckland Universitetet, Patricia Ranald, Australian Fair Trade and Investment Network and Research Fellow, og Daniel Bertossa, Public Services International.
Hva skjer hvis myndigheten vil ta tilbake en tjeneste som er åpnet for private tilbydere?:
"The problem with an agreement like TISA, is when you have opened up a sector like the educational sector to the private sector, even though you said, public education is exempted, its very difficult to reintroduce or to re-regulate. And it would also be potentially difficult so say for example if a government decided that we won’t have a private market in private education because it didn’t work, and we will go back to public provision. Now, the problem with agreements like TISA, is that it’s very difficult to do that, because even if you exempted public education, the private providers can argue that this is no longer a public service as you let us in. And therefore you are creating market barriers by re-regulating", Jane Kelsey, jussprofessor