Webinar: utfall fra WTOs ministermøte
Det internasjonale sivilsamfunnet under en pressekonferanse under ministermøtet
Publisert: 25.07.22

Webinar: utfall fra WTOs ministermøte

Det internasjonale sivilsamfunnet (OWINFS) arrangerer et online webinar 27 juli om hva som ble utfallet fra WTOs ministerkonferanse innen landbruk, fiskeri, tilgang til medisiner og mer.


Results of the World Trade Organization’s 12th Ministerial:
Outcomes on Agriculture, Fisheries, Access to Medicines, and more
Implications on Corporate Takeover, Multilateralism, and the Environment


Se opptak her: https://ourworldisnotforsale.n...

Social movements and civil society fighting for economic justice have long shifted their focus away from the WTO and towards bilateral and regional free trade agreements, as well as struggles against debt and financialization. But the outcome of the WTO’s 12th Ministerial Conference (MC12) in Geneva in June likely indicates a resurgence in the need to focus civil society and trade union efforts on the WTO.

MC12 concluded with pro-corporate, anti-worker and anti-development outcomes on all major issues of access to medicines, agriculture, fisheries subsidies, digital trade, and the future of the WTO itself.

The agreements should herald a warning to all: rich country governments professing new commitments to sustainable and worker-centered trade are just as likely to push anti-development outcomes and cosmetic window-dressing when it comes to protecting Big Business profits above the public interest.

These outcomes portend new fights on the horizon: on environmental issues in five plurilateral agreements currently under negotiations in the WTO; upcoming fights on investment and expanding the role of corporations in domestic policymaking on services; and much more.

Join civil society participants in MC12 for a front-line report-back and considerations of important issues moving forward, including for civil society working on non-WTO related issues.

When: Wednesday, July 27, 2022 * 1pm Geneva time

Speakers and Issues:

MC12 and WTO outcomes in context: Deborah James, Facilitator, Our World Is Not for Sale global network

Process violations and development issues at MC12: Kinda Mohamadieh, Senior Researcher & Legal Advisor, Third World Network, Lebanon

Access to medicines, Covid-19, and the TRIPS waiver: Fatima Hassan, Health Justice Initiative, South Africa

Covid-19 Vaccine and Treatment Equity post-TRIPS Waiver: Professor Brook K. Baker, Senior Policy Analyst, Health Global Access Project

Outcomes and prospects for workers and labor: Georgios Altintzis, International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), Brussels

Agriculture and food security: Ranja Sengupta, Senior Researcher, Third World Network, India

Fisheries subsidies outcomes: Adam Wolfenden, Campaigner, Pacific Network on Globalisation (PANG), Pacific Islands

Way forward for Africa: representative from SEATINI Uganda

Tax justice & e-commerce: Sofia Scasserra, IMT, UNTREF, Argentina

MC12 and the environment: Vice Yu, Senior Researcher, Third World Network, Geneva

Multilateralism and corporate rule in services and investment: Jane Kelsey, Emeritus Professor of Law, University of Auckland

National campaigns: Maulana Sidik, Indonesia for Global Justice

National campaigns: Burghard Ilge, Both Ends, Netherlands

Our World Is Not for Sale (OWINFS) is a global network of NGOs and social movements working for a sustainable, socially just, and democratic multilateral trading system. www.ourworldisnotforsale.net

Om Handelskampanjen

Handelskampanjen er en allianse av ulike organisasjoner fra fagforbund, bondeorganisasjoner, til miljø,- solidaritets- og utviklingsorganisasjoner. Nettverket ble oppretta i 27. april 2004.

Vi følger internasjonale handelsforhandlinger, regionale handelsavtaler, og Norges handels- og investeringsavtaler. Vi bistår med analyser, kursing, foredrag og skriftlige innspill. Vi har et aktivt styre som har bred erfaring og kompetanse innenfor internasjonal handelspolitikk.



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